Brian Toner
PresidentBrian started this crazy business in his parent’s garage while still in high school. He loves to solve “out of the box” problems and excels in creating new ways to do things. In his spare time Brian enjoys all things involving the water. An avid scuba diver and explorer, he is happiest with sand in his toes and salt water in his hair.
Q. How did you get started in this industry?
I started doing stage crew for shows in my High School. I loved the excitement of setting up and building the sets and technology for shows.
Q. What’s your favorite place you’ve traveled to and why?
I enjoy traveling to out of the way places. I like discovering small, rural towns in the United States, ones with maybe one traffic light. I also like to explore out of the way, remote islands or villages where the inhabitants have a much simpler life than the hustle and bustle of American cities.
Q.Who’s your favorite musical artist?
Jimmy Buffet
Q. What accomplishment are you most proud of?
The amazing group of people we have working with us and the spectacular events we do each week.