Kyle Snyder

Kyle Snyder

Project Manager
Kyle joins the Eventions team with over 8 years of production experience in both audio and film. With a wide array of skills, knowledge, and a passion for creating engaging products, he is uniquely suited for the event industry. When he isn’t working, you can find Kyle writing songs, playing music, and playing board games with friends. 

Q. What’s your work philosophy?
Outwork the person next to you. There will always be people out there more talented or more knowledgeable than you are. To set yourself apart and move forward, you must be willing to put the foot on the gas and prove to yourself and others that you are the person to turn to when a job needs to be done.
Q. What’s your favorite part of working for Eventions?
The people I work with on a day-to-day basis makes even the most challenging days a pleasure. I can’t say enough about the respect I have for those around me, and it’s surely the best part of my job.
Q. What would be impossible for you to give up?
Music. There is no way I could ever stop listening, writing, or playing. I feel that it’s a core part of who I am.

Photo Credit : Sarah DiCicco